Statement from IVAT Leadership on George Floyd Murder and Following Protests

29 May, 2020

We are outraged and our hearts are heavy as the systemic racism, violence and oppression in this country continues to harm, traumatize and end the lives of people of color on a daily basis. We demand justice and accountability for all individuals who participate in this violence – either by acts of brutality and murder by law enforcement, or from any other member of our communities.

This violence happens when those in leadership positions act divisively rather than uniting people and treating all people regardless of race, religion, culture, age, sex, gender, or disability with respect and dignity. It is long past the time to move forward to eliminate gender and racial inequality, health and wealth disparities. These have intensified in recent months with the pandemic effects, unemployment, hospitalization, and deaths. The recent acts of violence are outgrowths of such inequalities, prejudice, and oppression that have been advocated in overt and subtle ways by those in leadership positions. Demanding an end to the institutions that perpetuate this violence is long overdue. 

IVAT pledges to continue to use our voice, resources and services to advocate for social justice and human rights reforms to demand action to protect and abolish the structural racism and violence in our society.


View original letter here